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Opening hours
Reception is open on Mondays from 9.00 am until 3.00 pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.00 am until 12.00 noon. Cotgrave Futures is however open from Mondays to Fridays according to the requirements of centre users. For enquiries outside of the above times you can leave a message on our answering machine. Bookings can be made directly by email or by contacting the Administration Manager at Cotgrave Futures, Candleby Lane, Cotgrave, Nottingham, NG12 3JG

Contact details
Cotgrave Futures Trustees
The current board of Cotgrave Futures comprises the following members. Individual members may be contacted directly by email or telephone where indicated:

Keir Chewings - Chair of Cotgrave Futures
Send an email    01159899208
Mick Chewings - Resident Trustee
I moved from South Wales to Cotgrave in 1966, I married Jennifer in 1973. We have two sons, Michael and Gareth. I now have three grandchildren, Megan, Marcus and Daniel. I worked at the Cotgrave Pit from 1974 until it closed and then became the dedicated Streetwise rep from Rushcliffe Borough Council for Cotgrave until the service was finished.
Ian Shaw - Resident Trustee
In 1982 I moved to Cotgrave with my wife and two children on our return from Germany where I had been attached to HM Forces working in finance and credit for 17 years.

During the next twenty five years whilst working in the insurance industry I saw Cotgrave develop and expand with the challenges such change brought about. This resulted in me standing for, and being elected onto Cotgrave Town Council eighteen years ago as I hoped to be involved in helping meet the challenges brought about by development.
Darren Stothard - Resident Trustee
Send an email    07878145639
Norman Monday - Representative of Cotgrave Town Council
I moved to Cotgrave in 1980 along with my wife (Elena) having immigrated from Hull some 18 months earlier to take up an appointment in the Logistic industry for which I worked for some 55 years before retiring 7 years ago.

Having seen Cotgrave develop quite dramtically over the years, I decided to apply and throw my hat into the ring to respresent this community as a Town Councillor (it being a Parish Council at the time I was elected) - I did take a break from the council for some 10 years due to business pressure but returned 6/7 years ago when pressure was less and wanting to put something back into this community which at times gets left behind or becomes a second thought. Since returning to council I have been involved as a trustee with Futures which is a great facility for Cotgrave and has a lot to offer